The RNA Society supports our members and all scientists during these unsettling times

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Dear Colleagues,

The RNA Society includes scientists of countless identities. We write to express solidarity with all members of our scientific community around the world, and with all communities working toward justice during these times of heightened racism and xenophobia. It is not possible to perform research at our full potential when our basic humanity is denied, when our governments reject our identities, when we are targeted by police for existing, or when we are blocked from career transitions because of international disputes. During this time of global pandemic, driven by an RNA virus, we need the best and brightest minds from around the world to unite. As members of the RNA society, we value and stand by you.

Wishing you justice and peace,

Anna Marie Pyle, President
Kristian Baker, CEO
Olivia Rissland, Chair, Membership Committee
Stephen Floor, Member