SpotlightsIn recognition of the outstanding lives and accomplishments of our members, each month we profile two RNA Society members—one Full member and one Student/Post-doctoral Fellow member—as part of our Member Spotlight Series. Read about your colleagues’ career paths, their advice for succeeding in science, and their favorite RNA! Featured SpotlightsKarin Musier-Forsyth is an Ohio Eminent Scholar and the Director of the OSU Center for RNA Biology. With over 200 publications to her credit, Professor Musier-Forsyth is a pioneer in characterizing aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases and understanding the interactions of proteins and RNAs involved in protein synthesis and viral replication, specifically in HIV. Dr. Robert Ietswaart uses big data and machine learning to temporally monitor RNAs in a transcriptome-wide manner. Dr. Ietswaart is a Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Cellforma, and was until recently a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard Medical School. In this RNA spotlight, written by Guoming Gao and edited by Dr. Jennifer Porat, Dr. Ietswaart recounts how his past training directly influenced his career by assembling the puzzle pieces of his long-term scientific vision. He also shares details about founding a biotechnology startup company and helping shepherd it through its early stages. |