Postdoc Positions in the Pasquinelli Lab of RNA Biology Research

Posted on April 8,


Postdoctoral research positions are available in the Pasquinelli Lab within the School of Biological Sciences at UC San Diego. Research in the Pasquinelli Lab focuses on the molecular mechanisms that control the expression and function of regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), such as microRNAs (miRNAs) and long ncRNAs. We primarily use C. elegans as a model animal system to study the roles of ncRNAs in development, stress, and aging within an endogenous context. The pathways we study are broadly conserved throughout animal phylogeny and relevant to understanding the role of ncRNAs in human physiology and disease. The Pasquinelli Lab aims to recruit motivated postdoctoral researchers with strong prior research experience in molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, and bioinformatics. For more information, please visit our lab website:


  • A PhD in biology or related field
  • No more than 2 years of previous postdoctoral research (i.e. within two years of doctoral degree conferment)
  • Experience with standard and emerging molecular/ biochemistry and genetic approaches; experience with microscopy and bioinformatics skills are desired but not required
  • Strong oral communication skills are required
  • Interest and, ideally, experience in mentoring others

Research Environment

The Pasquinelli Lab is part of the Molecular Biology Department within the large and highly collaborative School of Biological Sciences at UC San Diego. Successful applicants will join a dynamic research environment that includes frequent interactions with other RNA, C. elegans, and aging labs and opportunities for collaboration within and outside the lab in addition to mentored development of an independent research project.

How to Apply

Please send your application to [email protected]

Email applications should include:

  • Cover letter summarizing previous research experience and a brief description of potential project interests and career goals
  • Detailed CV with complete publication list