Group leader and postdoc-positions in Translational RNA Biology at the Molecular Medicine Partnership Unit (MMPU)

Posted on April 18,

The MMPU is a joint venture between the Medical Faculty of the University of Heidelberg and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL). Research in the MMPU focuses on diseases with a particular medical need. One MMPU hallmark is that it is staffed by both institutions and each research group is headed by two or more cooperating principal investigators. 

We are seeking a visionary group leader and post-doctoral scientists with experience in RNA biology and/or data science who will play leading roles in the MMPU group “Translational RNA Biology” co-headed by Prof. Matthias Hentze from EMBL and Prof. Andreas Kulozik from the Department of Pediatric Oncology, Hematology and Immunology of the Medical Faculty. Our team focuses on basic and translational aspects of RNA biology and is currently expanding project lines exploring the role of RNA-binding proteins (RBP) in osteosarcoma and other pediatric malignancies including their responses to pharmacological intervention.

We offer an exceptional scientific environment with full scientific access to EMBL and the Medical Faculty within a vibrant international campus with connectivity to the visionary Hopp-Children's Cancer Research Centre (KiTZ).

For inquiries or to express your interest, please reach out to us at  [email protected]  or [email protected]